On the occasion of the organization of the AFRIBAT TOGO Exihibition from 22 to 27 October 2019, the CCIS provides exhibitors with a carrier who will provide the following services:
1 – Maritime transport Tunisia (Rades port) -TOGO (Lomé port).
2- A freight forwarder to prepare customs declarations in Tunisia.
3- A freight forwarder to prepare customs declarations to TOGO.
4- Land transport Port Lomé-Togolese Center of Exhibitions and Fairs / goods on stand
5- Maritime transport TOGO (Lomé port) – Tunisia (Rades port).
In order to minimize shipping costs we will proceed to grouping goods by container.
Shipping costs (sea and land) will be allocated to the exhibitors pro rata according to the volume and weight of their goods.
All expenses incurred for these different services are the responsibility of the exhibitors and must be paid in advance (before departure of the goods).
The goods intended for the exhibition object of the maritime transport must be at the store hold in Radés at the latest the 10th of September 2019 (departure of the boat 17/09/2019).
NB: To reduce costs it is recommended to carry out customs formalities for final export to the place of temporary export and this for samples.
After this Date transport of goods be with air freight(air freight = 12/kg for the first 500kg , 8.800 dt for 500 to 1000kg and 6,600 dt more than 1000 kg)
To reduce the costs we can proceed to grouping goods in their the costs of the douane and the transport
NB: To reduce costs it is recommended to carry out customs formalities for final export to the place of temporary export and this for samples
For any information please contact the person in charge of the file at the CCIS:
GSM: 98,291,341
FIXED: 74,296,120
E-MAIL: fathi.amri@ccis.org.tn
Gsm: (+216)
Tel: (+ 216)
Fax: (+ 216)
Mail: commercial@cpsmar.com.tn